What is NetDuty.online? Another scam to avoid?
There has been an increasing amount of interest surrounding online, work from home jobs over the past couple of years.
This is due to most people’s desires to be their own boss and to work their own hours.
One such platform that offers work off of the internet is NetDuty.online.
Unfortunately, this site contains a lot of inconsistencies that implicate it as nothing more than a scam.
People need to learn how to detect the various red flags of these kinds of sites so they may not be victimized.
Luckily, these are almost always blatant if one knows where and what to look out for.
NetDuty.online Review
Name: NetDuty.online
Website: http://netduty.online
Owner: Unknown
Price: Free
Star Rating: 0/5 SCAM!
Bottom Line: With the minimum threshold of $300 nobody will get paid. They will entice to invest some money to make money process faster but you will never get your money back. Do not put sensitive information especially PayPal accounts.
What is NetDuty?
From the get-go, the site’s landing page contains a number of suspicious elements.
The website contains a lot of similar elements design-wise to other confirmed scam websites.
Luckily, this means that if people learn to identify the mistakes on this site, they would be able to avoid them on a handful of others as well.
A prime example of a red flag on this website is the photograph of marketing manager “Lauren Murphy” that been featured on multiple scam platforms under many different names.
This picture was simply lifted off of a stock image resource and given a false name in order to make people believe that this was a legitimate testimony from a person who has really made money from this program.
This site claims that it is the easiest way to make money online, with promises of a $25 joining bonus as well as a $10 per task.
Each task is said to take around only 30 seconds to complete, but it is not explicitly stated on this part of the site what the job actually is, to begin with.
Because of this, they say that people can easily earn an amount in the region of $50 to $100 every day, which is suspiciously low since it supposedly only takes a couple of seconds to complete a job worth $10.
Below Murphy’s marquee banner is another testimony, this time from a “Joshia Frauhmin.”
The people behind this platform have decided to one again use a stock image to represent this imaginary person, but have decided to up the ante in terms of the uniqueness of the given alias.
Nevertheless, searching for Frauhmin, or his employer Session Electronics Philippines, yields no results related to this job – only a fake Facebook page and a bunch of negative reviews regarding other scam sites using the same alias.
The social media result even has a photograph of Murphy as Frauhmin’s profile picture, a glaring red flag.
Remember My Cash Duty? They use the same testimonial as well from the same person. That means this is a multiple scam website.
That means this is a multiple scam website.
There is a wide variety of grammatical errors on the site, which greatly reduces its legitimacy, with one of their statements claiming to make earning easy by virtue of making it “simpler, higher, and more.”
They add that they have been working for multiple years in this field, which is presumably online marketing but have now just opened an online branch.
How does a company that has its supposed roots built on marketing on the Internet only established an online branch recently?
Aside from this red flag, they also attempt to deceive people by making them believe that there are only a limited number of vacancies left in their program.
This is done by many scam sites to make their potential victims act quickly and invest considerable amounts of their hard-earned money without first thinking things over.
Once these people realize, they have been scammed, it is almost always too late for them to get their investment back due to “no refund policies.”
Refreshing or revisiting sites that contain this previously mentioned statement over and over again will still not make the offer disappear.
This is further proof that such claims are merely a ploy to entice people into investing in a scam.
Another statement on the site’s landing page claims that they are trusted by the world’s leading earner’s and professionals.
If this is the case then surely even one trustworthy news source has featured this platform or at the very least mentioned it in an article.
Unfortunately, the only write-ups available for this program are other negative reviews with evidence showing that it is undoubtedly illegitimate.
The support and contact page for this website contains next to nothing aside from an email address and an instruction to send all support tickets there.
One of the suspicious things here is that the email address has, instead of the domain for this website in question, has the domain for My Pay Pot, which has previously also been confirmed as nothing more than a scam.
It is possible that these two platforms are corroborating with each other or that the people behind these sites are one and the same.
The lack of names on this contact page is also particularly disheartening since this means there is no information available to be able to pin a formal complaint against someone in particular.
A lot of former members of the program also claim that the questions they sent to the listed email were never answered.
Summary Overview
NetDuty.online Review
Name: NetDuty.online
Website: http://netduty.online
Owner: Unknown
Price: Free
Star Rating: 0/5 SCAM!
Bottom Line: With the minimum threshold of $300 nobody will get paid. They will entice to invest some money to make money process faster but you will never get your money back. Do not put sensitive information especially PayPal accounts.
Payments that Never Arrive
At the bottom of the site’s landing page, there is a scanned copy of a cheque from The Standard Bank of Canada, which looks real enough.
The suspicious thing with this is that it is for a payment of only $23 and 80-odd cents.
Why would a person request a payout so low even though they could supposedly make $50 easily per day?
This is most probably a cheque for some other payment, which was just added on to the site to add an extra, yet still feeble, layer of legitimacy.
Aside from this, potential payment methods are also listed.
These include PayPal, Payza, Money Gram, and the aforementioned cheque.
Payments are said to be made during the 26th to 30th days of the month, although a lot of online forums have claimed that their payments never came.
One method this program uses to delay or even cut off their member’s payments is their unreasonably high quota.
Members need to make hundreds of dollars to meet this set amount and only then will they supposedly be paid out.
Another way this site accomplishes their non-fulfillment of payments is through the unexplained termination of memberships, which they exclusively reserve the right to do in their terms and conditions.
Accounts that have been inactive for over 30 days since they were last logged into are terminated automatically and without any form of prior warning.
Cheating, although it is not specified which methods are considered cheating by this platform, are also considered grounds for an account being banned.
The statistics featured on the site’s landing page also do not make much sense at all.
Upon visiting the site, it says that the program has close to 140,000 members with over 200 of those members online at any given time.
It just does not add up; given all of these registered members and easy jobs that pay a lot, how come the total payout is only listed at $800,000?
The registration page contains the program’s most recent payouts.
This is dangerous if true since it comes with the usernames of the accounts who supposedly made those respective amounts of money.
Inputting false and non-existent information on this registration form would still allow a person to access the “members-only portion” of the site to see how it actually works.
The member’s portion of the site features a fairly complicated “account area,” which shows the user’s referral link and how much more they need to earn before they can proceed to make a withdrawal.
There is also a portion of this page which shows the person’s account standing.
There are three levels overall on this platform, meaning that people who continually grind on this program in the hopes of making money will be rewarded by even more exorbitant promises that are impossible to fulfill.
How Does this Site Claim to Make Money?
The bulk of the supposed money-making process on this platform is through one of two ways.
The first is through posting referral links, which are limited to only five for a certain period of time.
The second way is through affiliate marketing, which involves earning money through people buying products through posted links.
While affiliate marketing, either through email or through link posting, could actually be a legitimate method of making money online, it would be extremely hard to do so especially to the extent promised by this website.
A person is only poised to make money if another person buys a product only if they are directed to it through a link posted by the former.
If the product is purchased not through this link or if the link was not clicked on in the first place, then no commission is made.
There are a lot of other, more legitimate, work from home platforms available online.
While these require more of a person’s time and effort, at the very least they could be sure that they will actually be receiving the income they deserve.
It is better to be sure with these than to take chances with a scam.
Tired of Scams Online? Why don’t you try my #1 recommendation for free!
My Recommendation
I feel it a responsibility for me to warn people about the scam sites online.
People have the impression that all home based money making opportunities are scams.
It is not true as there are legit platforms out there.
The only problem is people tend to sway to the easy ways to make money.
This mindset is what the scammers are utilizing and believe it or not it is working, that is why there are still scammers online.
When people become more educated, this mindset will change.
I also had that shiny object syndrome but it all changed when I joined Wealthy Affiliate.
Making money online is not magic, not a run deal thing, it requires skills and some effort just like any business.
The only advantage it has over a brick and mortar business is that it requires very small start-up cost.
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You will gain the valuable information which is very helpful to you with your online endeavors with Wealthy Affiliate or outside whichever you decide.
Feel free to ask questions, post comments or subscribe to my email list to be the first to get the updates.
You may also visit me so I can answer your questions directly at Wealthy Affiliate.com as it is where I hang out most of the time with my buddies ( link to my profile page ).
Rowan says
Thanks for the heads up I was just thinking of signing up till I found this Post, Lucky.
Thanks for your recommendation I think I will have a look at Wealthy Affiliate as it sounds like a great place to learn how to do online business.
Net duty online seems obvious now that you point it out, I just got excited a bit about trying to make money online that it’s easy to get tricked.
Den says
Hi Rowan,
Net Duty platform has a lot of versions and it should be avoided as it is a plain scam.
People tend to look for easy ways to make money online and this is the mindset that scammers use.
In Wealthy Affiliate, you have to work on your website before you can make money.
The money only comes if you do your part. No sugar coated promises, they just teach you how to do the right way to do real online business.
No easy money when you are just starting.
Thanks for the comments,