Is affiliate marketing worth it? Before we start, please check out some of the success stories here. It will surely give you a hint if affiliate marketing is worth it.
Those successes are not done overnight. Those successes are done through hard work, and those successful individuals committed time and effort to make their online business successful. If you have checked out those stories, you will notice that some are doing their business in faraway places.
They are having vacations all year round without a need of a nine to five job. Some of them are considered digital nomads. They just go where the sun is. Well for sure it is in one of those white sand beaches in a tropical country. Everything is done in automation so you can be anywhere as long as there is an internet connection to be able to have updates.
You will be your boss, and you work when you like. No one will give you orders what to do anymore. Some of those who are successful in online business never have the experience to work as an employee. Some are doing full time online before they even graduated college.
If you ask me if I am successful myself, I am still new to this, but I already see results. Check out my blog in Wealthy Affiliate. My Best Pay In Wealthy Affiliate so Far.
So is it worth It?
In my honest opinion, it is very much worth it. This business is the type of activity that will allow you to have all the time to enjoy your passions in life. You can be together with your loved ones all the time and at the same time have financial freedom.
You can even turn that passion into an online business. In my previous post, I have explained how to turn your passion into an online business by being an affiliate.
This business is the type of activity that requires only time and effort and a minuscule amount of money. You do not need to invest thousands of dollar like in a brick and mortar business.
All you have to invest initially is $150. Why $150 $? It would be $19 for the first monthly subscription, $49 for the second-month subscription and $49 for the third monthly subscription. Then you have to add for the two domain names you have to purchase which is about $15 each more or less. You do not pay this in one shot, though. It is monthly and the first month is a discounted $19.
Let me explain,
A free starter membership is offered, though I don’t recommend going for the free account and try to achieve the same results as the ones who succeeded in affiliate marketing.
A free starter member will give you two free websites and level one training. For a free membership, you will never get the same offer anywhere like Wealthy Affiliate. It is one of a kind.You will learn a lot being a free member and actually can start to be an affiliate with that training alone.
It will be harder to achieve success though so I don’t recommend it. For me, a free starter account is for those who want to try it first before they go into the real affiliate marketing.
Let’s go back to the $150.
You have to buy your domains. Remember a domain is like a real estate on the internet. It is yours, and nobody can take it away from you. There is a huge disparity between using a shared domain and your own domain. As you have already noticed, no company is running on a shared domain.
Why two domains? One for your niche and one for promoting Wealthy Affiliate. in this way, you will harness the potential of your membership.
I mentioned three months subscription. It is actually after three months that you will start to feel the results of your hard work, but this will vary depending on how much work you did on your website. By this time
- You are done with the training
- Your two websites are running
- Your two websites are ranking in Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines
- You are getting some traffic
- Some commissions start coming in depending on the amount of time you spend on your website.
So the thing is, are you willing to invest $150 and some of your time to have a real affiliate marketing business? If it is a yes, then you are ready to join a community of online entrepreneurs willing to help each other. Join Wealthy Affiliate, and you will never regret it. It could change your life.
Now, this is what you will have in exchange for your small investment.
Click on the pictures/banners for more information.

Wealthy Affiliate offers top-notch training on how to build a website. They also have an excellent community of online entrepreneurs willing to help each other. There is always a member you can ask for answers to your questions. They even have Live Chat for real-time answers to your questions. Video Tutorials and Webinars are also available.
Keyword research is crucial as those group of words typed into the search bar of Google, Bing or Yahoo.
Search Engine Optimization is vital for your website to have good traffic. Traffic is paramount for every online business. No traffic means no business.
Now you are set for real affiliate marketing. You have the training, and your website is running. It is about time you make money from your website.
This process is how to monetize your website. There are a lot more companies offering affiliate programs. You just have to pick according to your niche. As you progress, you will find more companies offering affiliate programs. Ebay and Amazon are two of the biggest companies having an affiliates program.
Ebay Partner Network is good considering they offer good commissions. They also have Earnings Per Click where you also earn commissions by driving good traffic to Ebay. You can post the eBay banner on your website, or you can have specific product banner for your reviews.
Please click on the pictures/banners for more information.
On Amazon Associates, you can have a general Amazon banner on your website. You can have a specific product banner for your product reviews. You can also have Native Ads where there is a group of banners on the bottom of your web page. If you desire, you can even use your website as an extension of Amazon by setting up Amazon aStore on your website.
Wealthy Affiliate has the best affiliate programs in the world. Wealthy Affiliate offers an excellent commission for every referral.
There you go, you have three companies to start with as an affiliate. This three programs mentioned earlier should give you a good start on your online affiliate business. The Wealthy Affiliate program has a lot more potential of earning money as I have experienced.
I am not saying you join as a premium member right away unless you want to have good results in a short time. You can sign up and try it as a free starter member which is totally free and no credit cards required.
Please feel free to ask questions, post comments or subscribe to my email list, so you will be the first one to get the updates and offers. You may also visit me so I can answer your questions directly at Wealthy (my profile page)
Thanks for the great article man, As a newbie affiliate marketer I am facing some difficulties because some people keep telling me that affiliate marketing is a scam, so I googled to get some knowledge and I reached your site, now I got a clear picture of the business, I have learned one thing, money will not come overnight, keep doing this quality work.
Hi, Harish,
People tend to label all online business as a scam. We can not blame them as there are so many scams online. It is a sad fact but people should have an open mind that there are still legitimate websites like Wealthy Affiliate that offers valuable training and support to make your online business successful.
Thanks for your comments,
Affiliate Marketing is something that I have always loved. I tried for many years to make money through affiliate marketing without much success. But now I finally am getting the tools and knowledge, that I have lacked in the past, from Wealthy Affiliate. I am on the right track now to be able to succeed. Affiliate marketing is very much worth it if you are willing to put in the time and effort.
Hi Stan,
Affiliate marketing is very rewarding if you do it right. I agree with you, Wealthy Affiliate is very good platform for affiliate marketers and I am glad you found your home.
Thanks for the comments,
Hi Den,
Affiliate marketing is definitely worth it! I Learned everything from Wealthy Affiliate. I have been a member for 5 years. I have been making a living online ever since. If you’re looking to make money online, join Wealthy Affiliate today! There is no other platform like Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks for a great article,
Hi Jack,
Affiliate marketing is really worth it if done right. You just need good training to learn the skills required. Community support is also vital because you need guidance when you.are.stuck in the training.
Thanks for.the comments,
Hey there Den,
I’ve become a passionate about affiliate marketing and businesses online. I’ve been having a great experience and gained a whole different entrepreneurial mindset since I started . Of course there will always be investment for any kind of business one starts, but regarding online businesses the profit you get in return can be unimaginable.
Thanks for sharing this post!
Hi Carlos,
Once a campaign in affiliate marketing snowballs the returns will be unlimited. So many people are doing affiliate marketing full time because it is very rewarding when done right.
Thanks for the comments,
Hi there,
Affiliate marketing is definitely worth it! Anything that gets you away from the Tyranny of the 9-5 and only having 2 free days out of 7 and a months holiday per year is worth it in my opinion!
It can be hard work to begin with, training, learning, creating content..but you gotta ask freedom worth the effort? Absolutely it is!
Hi Derek,
Affiliate marketing is the best way for anybody to achieve financial freedom. There is no other business model out wherein you can start a thriving business for a very small investment.
Thanks for the comments,