I built this website to help educate people how to earn money online. That includes how to avoid scams.
There are so many scams online and the best way for us to avoid it is to warn one another of a scam.
It is very disheartening for the good guys who are trying to introduce a legit way to make money and people are going away because of the so many scams online.
Those scammers cannot survive if there is nobody they can scam. If you have any information you want to share please feel free to do so.
You may post it on the comment section or you can do that privately by sending me an email by clicking on that “Contact Me” tab on the lower part of the web page.
Great website, I love the concept as it’s very current and I think it will always be up to date. As long as people try to make money online scammers will always try to scam people.
The topics you cover under BitcoFarm was great can you do suggestions too as I was looking into trading the stock marketing and I think there are a lot of scams in that too!
Hi Deano,
I appreciate that you spend the time to share your thoughts here. This page is intended for the scam reports. If you have a specific website that you need to be reviewed, please post a comment in the request a review page.
Thanks for the comments,